
  1. Companion Evolution System:

    • Evolutions introduces a unique companion evolution system on the Cardano blockchain, enhancing the visual appeal, narrative depth, and in game statistics of digital collectibles.

  2. Royalties:

    • Holders benefit from royalties, earning a percentage from the sale of evolutions. This creates a consistent and passive revenue stream for participants. Using the our staking portal built by Yepple you will be able to claim your ADA staking rewards. These rewards accrue daily.

    • Royalties are set to 10% of that 10%, 100% will be dispersed evenly to our holders staking their companions in their wallet. You as the trainer will accrue ADA rewards daily.

  3. Evo Stones:

    • Evo Stones serve as thematic catalysts for companion evolution. Participants can acquire these stones, allowing for a cost-free and seamless evolution process. Use your Evo Stone to evolve the corresponding companion type. Without an Evo Stone it will cost ADA to evolve.

  4. GEN 1 Mint Participation:

    • The upcoming GEN 1 mint provides an opportunity for active participation in the growth of the Evolutions NFT ecosystem, offering unique companions and Evo Stones for minting.

  5. Financial Incentives:

    • Plans for staking rewards and the potential establishment of a stake pool contribute to financial incentives for participants, encouraging long-term engagement and support. GEN 1 will always offer the most rewards.

  6. Interactive Gaming Experience with Gambling/Betting:

    • The development of the Evolutions Battle game adds an interactive gaming dimension to the project. In this exciting feature, participants can gamble/bet their ADA to win rewards in battle, adding an element of risk and reward to the gaming experience.

Last updated